Monday, 12 April 2010


Well, I had the world's most annoying headache last night which probably has something to do with a bus smelling like the dentist's office. I hate that smell, it's so dry and clean. Everything has to be a little messy in my opinion. Not enough to be disgusting or revolting, just enough to see that the place has life in it once in a while. Of course, my room is always near a pig sty level, but no can do.

Anyway, our last practice was okay, so I can just hope the premiere isn't a disaster... And I have a book presentation tomorrow. Well, it's actually a play I'll be telling about (Minna Canth: Anna Liisa) , but no matter. And because I've discovered new aspects to it while doing the presentation, I have to do some parts of my separate essay again if I want to raise my grade for the end-of-year report. Plus I failed my German test. Yeah, I was absent from the class we were told the subject, but I had time to find out. As you can guess, I didn't. So I have to take it again.

Yay, 10 hours of history/week for a month! I've been waiting for this. Except the real teacher is on paternity leave, so we have a substitute. She's okay, but I've been hearing about how good the real teacher is for years and now he's gone when we have the course. And I won't be there next year........unless my applications to 4 other secondary schools fail. Which is almost impossible. I've also decided to get a nine (on a scale 4-10) from P.E., which is gonna be tricky. Body Pump tomorrow first thing. I hope I don't completely fail that one.

Well, it's kinda stupid to write in here since no-one's reading this, but mayde I could remedy that with a few Facebook ads...  :D

Sunday, 11 April 2010


Stress just isn't fun. At all. Today is the last rehearsal of our amateurish Hamlet play and the premiere is on Wednesday, so I'm near hyperventilation at this point... I'm just glad it's finally spring and most of the snow is gone. But now it's wet.
"The river's running fast right now
It's the time of year the water cleanses itself
Running wild, but always in control
And now's the time to sever the ties
To habits that we can't discuss by trying to sell"
(Silverstein - Love with Caution)

Quote of the day sounds better, but I'm not gonna write in this daily, so quote of the entry will have to do...

I went to see a blog I heard about in some magazine. Written by a 12(?) year-old fashion guru, Tavi. I just stared, Seriously, she wrote something like "Boohoo, why does everyone like Tim Burton? I want to like him, but I can't because other people do! It's the same thing with The Beatles, I thought it was very indie, but it's not! I was supposed to be original and indie and different!" She's fucking 12! Yeah, it's good to be interested in something, but this? And I know she's the inspiration of some clothing line (based on what I saw of some shirts, I'd never wear them) but world-wide fame at that age because of a fashion blog? And high-fashion clothes aren't cheap (daddy pays, anyone?) so sooner or later someone's wallet gets anorexia. Or Tavi if she doesn't watch it.

Now that I've got my rant out of the way, I suppose I'll close this up 'till the next time I have something to write here....

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Let's see how long I'll keep this up...

Yeah, so I'm really crap at keeping things up. Doesn't matter if it's plants that need watering, diary that you'll have to keep writing if you want it to be useful, a long, independent project with no-one to kick your arse a little if you quit, anything at all, it just fails after a little while.So I'm kinda hoping this would be the exception that makes the rule...
Anyway, I'm a 16 year-old girl from Finland (you know, that little Nordic country between Sweden and Russia) who needs a place to ramble insanely without getting shipped to the nearest nuthouse.