Well, I had the world's most annoying headache last night which probably has something to do with a bus smelling like the dentist's office. I hate that smell, it's so dry and clean. Everything has to be a little messy in my opinion. Not enough to be disgusting or revolting, just enough to see that the place has life in it once in a while. Of course, my room is always near a pig sty level, but no can do.
Anyway, our last practice was okay, so I can just hope the premiere isn't a disaster... And I have a book presentation tomorrow. Well, it's actually a play I'll be telling about (Minna Canth: Anna Liisa) , but no matter. And because I've discovered new aspects to it while doing the presentation, I have to do some parts of my separate essay again if I want to raise my grade for the end-of-year report. Plus I failed my German test. Yeah, I was absent from the class we were told the subject, but I had time to find out. As you can guess, I didn't. So I have to take it again.
Yay, 10 hours of history/week for a month! I've been waiting for this. Except the real teacher is on paternity leave, so we have a substitute. She's okay, but I've been hearing about how good the real teacher is for years and now he's gone when we have the course. And I won't be there next year........unless my applications to 4 other secondary schools fail. Which is almost impossible. I've also decided to get a nine (on a scale 4-10) from P.E., which is gonna be tricky. Body Pump tomorrow first thing. I hope I don't completely fail that one.
Well, it's kinda stupid to write in here since no-one's reading this, but mayde I could remedy that with a few Facebook ads... :D
heyy, I'm reading this. It's nice to hear something about you.