Sunday, 13 June 2010


In just 3 short days I'll find out if I get to TYK or if I have to go Clasu. I don't know what I'm gonna do if I don't get in. I mean I've wanted to study there from the day I was told more of it than just a name. When I was a kid, everyone I knew said it was a snob school and yeah, maybe it is a bit, but people talked about it in a bitter, jealous tone. I have quite a lot of friends either already there or trying to get in like I am, so if  I can't get in it will be so much harder than if  I had no friends there. I'll get to hear all about their cool projects and stuff without being there with them. Clasu has some interesting courses not available in TYK and I wish they had an English drama project like Steiner but nothing is perfect.
Maybe I'll wait for the results and THEN start bitching if I don't get in and gloating if I do.

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